Moonhack 2023 is a celebration of human technological achievement, celebrating innovations created for space exploration that are now part of our everyday lives. Moonhack started in 2016 and has been going strong since, even breaking a World Record for the most youth coding in one day! It used to be a one day event, but now it runs over several weeks so that everyone has a chance to get involved.
At this month’s CoderDojoDSM meetup, students age 9+ will have the option to participate in Moonhack 2023 by completing and submitting one of six projects across different platforms and skill levels:
- Space Shoes – Beginner Scratch project covering costumes, broadcasting and user input
- Looking Into Space – Intermediate Scratch project with variables, broadcasting and controls
- Protect the Planet – Intermediate Scratch project with variables, cloning and game control
- Constellation – Beginner micro:bit project with functions, radio and LEDs
- Guess the Invention – Beginner Python project with user input, output and while loops
- Space Junk – Develop your own project on any platform that showcases an innovative way to deal with the problem of orbital debris.
CoderDojoDSM and Moonhack is free and students of all skill levels are welcome.
- To attend a CoderDojoDSM meetup, a parent or guardian is required to complete the registration process.
- Youth under the age of 13 require a parent or guardian to be present during the meetup.
- When registering, please select the appropriate ticket which tells us if the student will be bringing his/her own laptop computer or would like to reserve and use one of our computers.
- Please review our Program Policy before registering.
- NOTE: If you need to cancel a reservation, please contact us so the reservation may be made available to someone else.
To learn more, visit coderdojodsm.com or moonhack.com.